Medical Disclaimer:
Pressed For Juice company, staff, writers and others associated with the company are not medical professionals and do not dispense medical advice. As with any diet or exercise regimen, consult your general physician before beginning a juice cleanse. If you have medical questions related to cleansing, seek the advice of a medical doctor. The staff at Pressed For Juice cannot diagnose or treat any medical conditions, nor can they claim juicing/cleansing will cure or treat any medical conditions. Nothing on the Pressed For Juice website should be construed as medical advice. We are happy to answer questions, but nothing we suggest or advise should be taken as the final word. As always, seek the advice of a medical doctor if there is any doubt.
What to Expect on a Juice Cleanse:
If it’s your first time, we know that the thought of a cleanse can be a little intimidating. Our cleanse program is designed so that the “during” is just as enjoyable as the “after”. Each juice in the Pressed For Juice cleanse is specifically formulated to nourish the body while flushing out toxins. Whether you are a virgin, amateur or pro, give it a try and your body will love you for it!
Cold-Pressed vs Centrifugal
Centrifugal juicers are the most common type of juicer. These juicers use a fast-spinning metal blade that spins against a mesh filter, separating juice from fiber by centrifugal force. The juice and pulp are then separated into different containers. The shortfall of centrifugal juicers is that the fast-spinning metal blade generates heat, which destroys some of the enzymes in the fruits and vegetables you're juicing. The heat also oxidizes those nutrients, making the juice less nutritious than a cold-press juice. Centrifugal juices need to be consumed immediately.
Cold-Pressed and HPP (High Pressure Pasteurization)
Most juices you see on a grocery store shelf has been High Pressure Pasteurized (HPP). Similar to standard pasteurization methods that use heat, HPP kills bacteria that cause juice to spoil faster. This allows HPP-treated juice to last up to 45 days, as opposed to seven days for non-HPP cold-pressed juice. HPP allows companies to expand their distribution and sell cold-pressed juice on a much larger scale. Look at the expiration date, if it’s longer than a week, it’s HPP. Although the juice was created with the cold-press process, but nutrients and enzymes can’t live in a bottle for 45 days.
Cold-Pressed vs Smoothies
Smoothies are whole vegetables and fruits processed in a blender, usually with ice. Smoothies tend to be more filling as they include all the fiber along with the juice. A 16 oz cold-pressed juice contains three to five pounds of vegetables and fruits. A 16 oz smoothie contains approximately half a pound of vegetables and fruit. As the fiber is extracted from cold-pressed juice, but the nutrients and enzymes are retained in the juice, cold-pressed juice contains more nutrients and enzymes per fluid ounce of juice than a smoothie.
All these types of juice are beneficial, but cold-pressed is the most nutritious process of extracting juice ounce for ounce. Bottling cold-pressed juice in air-tight containers also allows juice to preserve its nutrients and enzymes for up to seven days with little to no oxidation.
#1 Start eating raw fruits, nuts and vegetables 1-2 days before your cleanse.
#2 Drink a juice around every two hours to keep your body nourished with live nutrients.
#3 Sipping, not chugging, will allow for enzyme activation and maximum nutrient absorption.
#4 Stay Hydrated. We suggest drinking 16 oz of water in between juices. Feel free to add fresh squeezed lemon or lime.
#5 Walk, jog, do yoga, pilates or any other type of exercise. Sweating releases toxins and is part of the detox process.
#6 If you need an extra boost, add a couple more juices or opt for some of our raw snacks.
#7 Avoid caffeine, alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs. We know, we know, but just don't do it. If you must drink coffee, make it one cup of black coffee. However, herbal tea is a much better option. Avoiding toxins is key to maximizing the full benefits of your cleanse.
#8 After your cleanse, introduce raw fruits, vegetables, salads with clean dressings (flax oil, olive oil, lemon juice), nuts, and avocado. Continue to drink juice as you introduce solid food. Our custom 6-pack is a great option for this.
#9 Expectations? Everyone is different and will experience different results. Some may find it easy peasy while others find it a bit more challenging. Some may lose a lot of weight while others may not. The important thing to remember is that you are giving your body a deep cleaning by flushing out toxins while nourishing it with live nutrient and enzyme rich juice. In short, you are improving your health.
Participating in a cleanse helps you break old, bad food habits, such as eating out of boredom, eating too much junk food, etc. By going on a juice cleanse, you give yourself the opportunity to start fresh and reset your body.